Blog: Rotating Art

July Artist: Indra Persad Milowe

During the month of July, the Malden Public Library is excited to showcase the work of Indra Persad Milowe, in a solo exhibition entitled “Beautiful Ubud, Bali”. Born in Trinidad and Tobago and now a resident of Salem, Indra Persad Milowe is a USA based visual and public artist. Her complex and vibrant artwork can now be viewed in the Malden Public Library, in the hallway leading to the Converse Building. You can learn more about her artwork online here:

Peg Kane is the featured artist for April

Throughout the month of April, the library will be showcasing the works by Malden artist and resident Peg Kane.  Her works utilize graphite, colored pencil, acrylics, mixed media and clay and she has always been drawn to nature; flowers, plants, trees and gardens.   An artist reception will be held on Thursday April 11th from 6-7pm.  Everyone is welcome to attend.

Hang your art at the library!

Did you know that the Malden Public Library is also a museum? We have an entire wing devoted to art that you can view on Wednesdays and Saturdays 2-4pm. We love art at this library! And in honor of our long commitment to art and the artistic communities of Malden and beyond we also host local artist in our hallway and display cases. Our application period is now open for artists of all types and we would love to see some new community members in this space. Fill out the form below and show our art committee your creativity. We’d love to host it!