The Malden Public Library will be closed on Monday, Feb. 19th in honor of Presidents’ Day. We will reopen at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 20th.
The Malden Public Library will be closed on Monday, Feb. 19th in honor of Presidents’ Day. We will reopen at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 20th.
Spread kindness and make someone smile! On February 22, from 3:30 to 4:30 pm, kids will paint their own kindness rock with an inspirational message and decoration. Recommended for grades 2-5.
This act of kindness is brought to you by the Friends of the Malden Public Library.
The Library will be closed on Tuesday, Feb. 13th because of inclement weather. We will open again on Wednesday, Feb. 14th at 9 a.m.
Join us for our monthly online poetry discussions with the poet Lloyd Schwartz. Each month Lloyd chooses a poem and guides the discussion. As I Walked Out One Evening by W.H. Auden is the choice for February.
The poem : As I Walked Out One Evening
Register to receive the zoom link.
This program is made possible by the Malden Public Library and the Academy of American Poets and funds from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Contact Marita with questions. mcoombs@maldenpubliclibrary.org
Young Adults in the 6th through 12th grade are invited to the Maccario Room at the library to celebrate and relax with friends.
Join us at 3PM on Wednesday, February 14th to design cards, play games eat pizza, snacks and light refreshments.
Young Adults in the 6th through 12th grade are invited to get crafty at the MPL. Join us on Thursday, February 8th at 3:00-4:30 PM in the Program Room to make your own beaded designs. No sign-up is required but space is limited so make sure to arrive on time.
The Friends of the Malden Public Library will be holding a 1-day book sale on Saturday, February 10th, from 10–2 pm in the Library’s Book Sale Room.
There will be a large assortment of books, CDs, DVDs, and Friends swag. We look forward to seeing you there.
Tuesday, February 13th at 6:30 pm join us for a lecture and Q&A about researching African American genealogy. This will be a hybrid event: you can either join us in the Maccario for a live stream with a moderated question and answer period, or join us from home via Zoom and ask your questions in the chat. We are really looking forward to learning more about the tools available to people researching their ancestry. This should be a fascinating and informative event for all members of the community. So please join us! Registration is required, please use the link here: bit.ly/AAGenealogyMPL
All registered participants (whether in person or online) will receive a recording of the program via email after the program concludes.
Getting Started in African American Genealogy
Researching African American ancestors can be challenging, especially when trying to break through the 1870 brick wall to discover more about ancestors prior to the end of slavery. In this presentation, Genealogist Melanie McComb will discuss go-to records and demonstrate creative search strategies for piecing together your family history.
Melanie McComb, Senior Genealogist, assists library visitors, both on-site and online, with their family history research. She is an international lecturer who teaches on a variety of topics. Melanie holds a B.S. degree from the State University of New York at Oswego. She previously served as the social media coordinator for the NextGen Genealogy Network, a non-profit that creates a community for younger genealogists, where she managed the Facebook and Twitter accounts. She continues her interest in helping younger genealogists get involved at American Ancestors by assisting with educational programs from local schools, scout groups, and universities. Her areas of expertise include Irish genealogy, DNA, Atlantic Canada, Jewish genealogy, and military records.