Blog: Month: June 2021

PUSHOUT: Film & Community Discussion: July 10th: 2:30-4pm (Film) & 4:30-6pm (Discussion)

Hosted by Malden Public Library, NAACP Mystic Valley Area Branch, and the Network for Social Justice.

Join us on Saturday, July 10th, via Zoom for a screening and panel discussion of the documentary PUSHOUT: The Criminalization of Black Girls in School. Black girls are being disciplined, suspended, arrested, and “pushed out” of the K-12 school system at a higher rate than their white counterparts. This unjust system often creates a pipeline to prison for many Black girls. The film is based on the book of the same name by Dr. Monique W. Morris. The film is not rated, (79 min.) (2019)

Local leading educators will discuss the film and the impact PUSHOUT has on our community. Join Jennifer Hedrington, Abdel Sepulveda, Alexandria Onuoha, Thora Henry, Eric Henry, Melanie Rush, and moderator Erga Pierrette. Read more about the panelists here:

Pushout Program Information

Register for this event at:

Watch our previous discussion of PUSHOUT here:

Summer Reading Celebration – July 1

Readers of all ages will explore the animal kingdom this summer as the Malden Public Library presents “Tails and Tales,” a summer of reading and fun.  The summer program is open to everyone, babies through adults. In addition to reading challenges and prizes, the summer will be filled with activities for all ages from big book story times, a visit with Barn Babies, yoga on the lawn, sing-alongs and magic shows, in addition to board game nights and other activities for adults.

Summer begins with a grand kick-off on the lovely lawn of the Malden Public Library on Thursday, July 1, from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.  Come and register for summer reading, enjoy music, crafts, and free ice cream.

Why Summer Reading?  Studies show that students who don’t read during the summer will regress and be less prepared when school starts. This is commonly referred to as the “summer slide.” To succeed in school and life, the National Summer Learning Association says we all need opportunities to learn and practice academic and social skills throughout the summer months.

Fill your summer with great books and fun learning activities. For more information, contact the Malden Public Library at 781-324-0218 or follow us on social media at, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

“Tails and Tales” is sponsored statewide by the Massachusetts Library System, the Boston Bruins & the Boston Pride hockey teams, and the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners; with support from our local sponsors: Preotle, Lane & Associates, the Malden Cultural Council, and the Friends of the Malden Public Library.


Hear Ye! Reading of Malden Declaration on June 30

A great Malden tradition has returned! All are invited to the Malden Public Library, 36 Salem Street on Wednesday, June 30th at 6 PM to re-experience the events in Malden that led up to the drafting of the “Instructions of the Inhabitants of Malden, Massachusetts to their Representatives in Congress” – Malden’s declaration of support for American Independence.

A group of young musicians from the William Diamond Junior Fife and Drum Corps will kick off the event by playing several period-specific songs on the lawn of the Malden Public Library. Local Historian and period actor Tom Coots will then perform the Sixth Annual Reading of the town “Instructions.” For anyone who is interested in participating in the reenactment and is willing to dress in period-appropriate costumes, please contact Ron Cochran at for more information.

The May 27, 1776 document entitled “Instructions of the Inhabitants of Malden, Massachusetts to their Representatives in Congress” was unanimously voted on by the townspeople of Malden to be delivered to the Second Continental Congress via their representative Ezra Sargeant. In the 1776 communication, the voting citizens of Malden renounce the Colony’s ties to the Kingdom of Great Britain and set forth their wish to become an independent “American” republic. The document is credited as a precursor to the Declaration of Independence written in July of 1776 when the Continental Congress formally declared their independence from England. The original historical document is on display in the Library for viewing.


Image: William Diamond Junior Fife and Drum Corps

Library Closed on Saturday 6/19 for Juneteenth Holiday

4th Annual Malden Juneteenth Freedom Celebration (Virtual) – Sign Up by 6 PM  This virtual evening program will celebrate Black and African American culture and invite participants to reflect on the meaning of freedom. The program features Malden educator and MA Teacher of the Year Jennifer Hedrington, spoken word poet Zenaida Peterson, drummer Otha Day, singer Lydia Harrell, dancer Alexandria Onuoha, and the A.O. Step Team from Malden High School.

The program will be simultaneously interpreted from English into eight languages: ASL, Arabic, Cantonese, Haitian Creole, Mandarin, Portuguese, Spanish, and Vietnamese. You must register by 6 pm on June 19th to join the event webinar and to access the simultaneous interpretation. Please register one device for each household.

Juneteenth commemorates June 19, 1865, the day that Union Major General Gordon Granger rode into Galveston, Texas and told enslaved Black people about their emancipation from slavery. Granger’s announcement came more than two years after President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation and represents a symbolic delay in the granting of freedom to enslaved Black people, symbolic still as the fight for racial justice and equity continues in Malden and across all of the United States. Malden’s Juneteenth event will inform about the tension between celebration and continued struggle and will help build a community movement for racial equity.

MaldenCORE is thankful for our community collaborators for helping to make this a Malden-wide celebration: American Association for Arab Women (AAAW), Action for Boston Community Development (ABCD), Asian Community Development Corporation (ACDC), Cambridge Health Alliance (CHA), Chinese Culture Connection (CCC), Friends of Oak Grove, Inc. (FOOGI) Greater Malden Asian American Community Coalition (GMAACC), Malden ArtsMalden Education Association (MEA), Malden Neighbors Helping Neighbors (MHNH) Malden Police Alternatives and Accountability (MPAA), Malden Public Library (MPL), Malden Reads, MaldenSTAND (previously MHS Students for Racial Equity), Mystic Valley Branch of the NAACPNorth Shore Hispanic Association (NSHA), Urban Media Arts (UMA),YWCA MaldenZonta Malden

MaldenCORE is grateful for our sponsors, without whom this event would not be taking place. This program is supported in part by a grant from the Malden Cultural Council, a local agency which is supported by the Mass Cultural Council, a state agency. The program is also supported by the City of Malden and Eastern Bank.

Mini Book Sale

Join us on the front lawn (36 Salem St) on Saturday, June 12th from 11 am to 2 pm for a mini book sale, held by the Friends of the Malden Public Library.  Fiction (both adult and young adult) and children’s books will be available, along with DVDs.

After a little shopping at the library, head down to Pleasant St for the first of the City’s Summer Festivals.

We look forward to seeing you at our first mini outdoor book sale and out and about in the City.


Route 1 Reads: Representing Malden with Poetry

Can you represent a city with poetry?
Through Route1Reads, cities and towns along Route 1 from Maine to Florida try to do just that. This year, the Malden Public Library has selected poems in recognition of our neighbors who have come together to support each other during these difficult times and the hope that fuels us. These poems are “Tankas for What Comes Together” and “Equinox” from Tamiko Beyer’s collection Last Days.

“Connecting the 2,369 miles of U.S. Route 1 from Ft. Kent, Maine, to Key West, Florida, the Route 1 Reads initiative is a partnership between 16 affiliate Centers for the Book to promote books that illuminate important aspects of their states or commonwealths for readers travelling this meandering highway. The initiative was launched at the 2015 National Book Festival in Washington, D.C.” (See more