Can you represent a city with poetry?
Through Route1Reads, cities and towns along Route 1 from Maine to Florida try to do just that. This year, the Malden Public Library has selected poems in recognition of our neighbors who have come together to support each other during these difficult times and the hope that fuels us. These poems are “Tankas for What Comes Together” and “Equinox” from Tamiko Beyer’s collection Last Days.
“Connecting the 2,369 miles of U.S. Route 1 from Ft. Kent, Maine, to Key West, Florida, the Route 1 Reads initiative is a partnership between 16 affiliate Centers for the Book to promote books that illuminate important aspects of their states or commonwealths for readers travelling this meandering highway. The initiative was launched at the 2015 National Book Festival in Washington, D.C.” (See more