Internet Use Overview
The Malden Public Library shall serve as an informational, educational, cultural and recreational resource for all patrons through its collection of books, magazines, audio-visual and technology services which are administered by the staff. The Internet is an integral part of the resources available to assist library patrons in finding the resources they need.
The Malden Public Library complies with the federal Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) which requires the use of filtering software for adults, teens, and children. Filtering software may not block all material users might find offensive. Parents are encouraged to supervise their children’s Internet sessions.
The Internet is a continually evolving resource and the information and links on the Internet change rapidly and unpredictably. The library cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of information on the Internet. Users should carefully evaluate the information they find when using this resource. The Malden Public Library does not encrypt data sent or received through our Internet services.
Limits on Use
Patrons, who hold a valid MBLN library card, in good standing, may use the computers. As with all library materials, users are responsible for the computer while signed in for its use. No more than one person is allowed at the computer at a time; however, users under 18 years of age may be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Exceptions will be granted at the discretion of the library. A parent or guardian signature will be required for Internet registration by a child.
Reference Area
Eight computers in the Reference Area are available for Internet and word processing on a first come, first serve basis. Each time users access the computer, they will need to log in with their own library card in good standing.
Patrons receive a maximum of two hours per day on the computers, which is recorded by the computer. It does not need to be taken all at once, or even in full half hour increments. After two hours, or five minutes of inactivity, the computer will automatically log the user out and erase any saved files. After logging out, any work not saved on your own media (flash drives, uploaded to online storage, sent to yourself by email, etc.) is permanently gone. Make sure to save all works on your own media.
In addition, there are two 20-minute “Express” computers, that can be used without a library card. These have Internet and printing access. We ask that patrons limit their time to 3 20-minute sessions per day.
One additional computer is dedicated to the access of the library catalog, library databases and booking for museum passes.
All work should be saved to flash drive often. The Malden Public Library is not responsible for any lost work. Users should plan their work accordingly, allowing time to save and print their work, as computers will be shutdown promptly 15 minutes before closing.
There are five Chromebooks available for loan for in-library use only, to adult patrons with a library card in good standing. Chromebooks can be borrowed for 4 hours at a time, one Chromebook per patron, and come with a charger and a mouse. They have Wi-Fi, a webcam, headphone and USB input, and are Zoom capable. They do not connect directly to the printer, and do not have Microsoft Word.
Free, unfiltered Wi-Fi is available in both the main library and the Converse Building. Please ask at the Information desk for the password to access it. We do not have Wi-Fi printing available.
Wi-Fi hotspots are available for loan at the circulation desk to patrons with a Malden library card in good standing. Hotspots can be borrowed for 21 days. Hotspots can each support up to 10 devices, and are limited to one hotspot per household. Failure to return a hotspot on time will result in service to the hotspot being remotely shut off, and may result in a patron being banned from borrowing hotspots in the future.
Children’s Room
The Children’s Room has two computers available for children’s use only. The computers have Internet access and Microsoft Office XP. A parent or guardian must sign a permission form in order for children to use the Internet in the library and the child must have a valid MBLN library card that is in good standing. Children may sign up for computer use at the reference desk in the children’s room.
Young Adult Room
The Young Adult room has two computers available for teens use only (grades 5-12). The computers have Internet access and Microsoft Office 2007. Teens may sign on to the computers directly with their library card. These are also limited to 2 hours per day.
Proper Use
The Internet computer equipment and software must be used as installed and is for Internet use only. Users are not permitted to add to, delete or modify the installed software or hardware or circumvent library network security or Internet filter. To protect against computer viruses, personal software may not be used.
If any user abuses, misuses or engages in any use of the computer equipment or software not authorized by the library, or introduces a virus, the user will be prohibited from future use. Users will be held liable if they permanently or temporarily damage any hardware or software.
Users agree to respect the integrity of computing systems, for example, users shall not intentionally develop programs that harass other users or infiltrate a computer or computing system. Users agree to respect the legal protection provided by copyright and license to programs and data.
Users may not invade the privacy of others or engage in any activity that is harassing, defamatory, or threatening; or receive or display graphics which may reasonably be construed as obscene as defined by law. Users shall respect the privacy of other users, for example, users shall not intentionally seek information of, obtain copies of or modify, names, data, passwords, or files belonging to other users, or represent themselves as another person unless explicitly authorized to do so by that person. Users shall respect the procedures of the Malden Public Library in provision of this service. Users shall not give out passwords provided to them by the library.
Users shall assume full responsibility of learning to use the equipment and resources. Note that librarians cannot provide information on how to use Internet software. Reference books and user guides are available to users who have never used computers, or have specific questions about the Internet software applications. Users are encouraged to attend internet classes in the area. Due to library scheduling, trained staff may not always be available.
The library makes no guarantees, either express or implied, with respect to the information available on the Internet, not is the library responsible for any user’s misuse of copyright licensing, or any other violation resulting from use of the internet.
Printing Fees
To cover expensive supply costs, Malden Public Library charges $.15 per black and white print page. When a job is printed, it will go to the print queue station, where the patron can retrieve it. A coin box is available for printing materials and will accept change and $1 bills. The Library is not responsible for misprinted documents.
Violations may result in suspension or loss of computer privileges at the library. The Library reserves the right to terminate a computer session at any time.
The library reserves the right to change this policy as necessary to regulate access or prevent misuse. Users are to read and comply with updates to policy which are posted. Computer Use will comply with the Malden Public Library Courtesy code, posted in the library.
A black and white photocopier is available. Copies are $.15 per page, and the coin box will accept change and $1 bills.
A flatbed scanner is available and free to use. It is not connected to the internet, so it is advisable to bring a flash drive to transport scanned documents to your personal computer, or a reference-area computer where documents can be uploaded online. If you do not have a flash drive, there is one available for brief loans at the information desk.