Blog: Month: June 2017

YA Craft: Potted Plants – July 11th

Young Adults in the 5th through 12th Grade are invited to Craft a Better World at the Malden Public Library in the Program Room on Tuesday, July 11th, from 3:00 – 4:30 PM. Join us as we design, decorate and fill personalized potted planters.We will be painting so wear clothes that you don’t mind if getting dirty, and we will fill the plants with starter herbs, succulents and plants outside, weather permitting afterwards.

Space is limited and you can sign up at the information desk starting today, or call 781-324-0218. This program and other Young Adult events is sponsored by Preotle, Lane & Associates.



Young Adult Anime Party – Fairy Tail!

Young Adults in the 5th through 12th grade are welcome to join us in the Macarrio Room on Thursday, July 13th from 3:00 – 5:00 PM for our Summer Anime Afternoon. We are going to watch a film based on the manga “Fairy Tail”.

Join the Fairy Tail Guild in watching the movie, and the first 20 guild members at the door will get a gift bag with cards, a lanyard and a Celestial spirit key. Drinks and Snacks will be provided by funds from Preotle, Lane & Associates.

Hear Ye! Reading of Malden Declaration on June 30

Please join Mayor Gary Christenson and Library Director Dora St. Martin as Malden gets into the spirit of Independence Day with a series of exciting events at the Malden Public Library, 36 Salem Street on Friday, June 30th.

Taking place from 4 to 5 PM in the Converse Memorial Building, the Library will display the original and the newly digitized version of Malden’s town records from the Revolutionary war period. Featured will be the May 27, 1776 document entitled “Instructions of the Inhabitants of Malden, Massachusetts to their Representatives in Congress” unanimously voted on by the townspeople of Malden to be delivered to the Second Continental Congress via their representative Ezra Sargeant. In the 1776 communication, the voting citizens of Malden renounce the Colony’s ties to the Kingdom of Great Britain and set forth their wish to become an independent “American” republic. The document is credited as a precursor to the Declaration of Independence written in July of 1776 when the Continental Congress formally declared their independence from England. The original historical document will remain on display for viewing. At 5 PM attendees will proceed to the front lawn where Local Historian and period actor Tom Coots will perform the Third Annual Reading of the town “Instructions.”



YA Summer Reading Kickoff Party

Young Adults in the 5th through 12th grade are invited to the Malden Public Library on June 29 from 3:00 – 4:30 PM. We will be kicking off our Summer Reading Program with a party, come play games, relax and enjoy snacks, cool drinks and pizza. Find out about how you can win prizes and our end of the Summer Raffle tickets will work.



Sign Up for Summer Reading!

Registration is now available for the Children, Teen, & Adult Summer Reading Programs. This year, parents can set up a Family Portal to manage all of their family’s accounts. Sign up online or at the library.

Children’s Summer Reading (Pre-K through Entering Grade 5) Read 2+ hours a week to receive a prize.

Teen Summer Reading (Entering Grades 6-12) Read 5+ hours a week to receive a prize. Check out more challenges as the summer unfolds.

Adult Summer Reading (18+) Earn tickets to enter raffles to win one of four biweekly gift cards of $25 and a grand prize of $50, by sharing four books you plan to read this summer (#WhatsYourFour), reading books, writing book reviews, volunteering locally, and “Reading Without Walls.”

Check out our MPL Summer Calendar 2017

The Malden Public Library’s Summer Reading Programs are generously sponsored by the Friends of the Malden Public Library, the Massachusetts Library System, the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners and the Boston Bruins, with funding from the Institute of Museums and Library Services.

Young Adult Movie Afternoon – July 7th

Young Adults in the 5th through 12th grade are invited to watch this year’s awesome LEGO Superhero adventure, with our latest Movie Afternoon. On Friday July, 7th from 3:00 – 5:00 we will have snacks, beverages and a movie in the Maccario Room of the library.

The film was one of the top grossing animated films of 2017, and stars will Arnett as Batman, Rosario Dawson as Batgirl, and Michael Cera

FREE Ice Cream June 22nd to Kickoff Summer Reading

Save the date! The Malden Public Library will kick off 2017’s Summer Reading Program with our annual Ice Cream Social on Thursday, June 22 from 1–2:30 at the Library’s historic Salem St. front garden. There will be ice cream sundaes, with ice cream generously donated by Dairy Delight, and the opportunity to sign up for summer reading (for kids, teens, AND adults). We look forward to seeing you there.