Blog: Author: Marita Coombs

Stephanie Stigliano Artist Reception February 3, 2025

The Malden Public Library is pleased to showcase local artist Stephanie Stigliano during the month of February.  Stephanie has experience with many mediums but currently enjoys making prints and artist books. Her prints will be in the main hallway and her artist books will be in the glass display case inside.

“Making prints gives me the chance to make different versions of one idea: I can play with the color combinations or change the process. It is fun to experiment with both of those aspects. Lately I make monoprints and combine them with relief prints, brush painting, and collage (Chine-collè). Making artist’s books gives me alternative ways of presenting the prints as an unfolding story. The structure reflects the content of the piece. I was originally trained as a jeweler and I use similar skills when I create books and prints. My inspiration comes from time spent in nature and everyday observations. Teaching students how to make books and prints is also an energizing activity—it is a delight to help people discover their inner artist.”

A reception will be held on Monday February 3rd from 6-7pm, everyone is welcome to attend and light refreshments will be served.


50+ Job Seekers Networking Group – New Session starts Jan 15, 2024

Starting  up again on Jan 15, 2024

The Massachusetts Library Collaborative’s 50+ Job Seekers Group meets via Zoom on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month, from 9:30am to 11:30am. Informal networking takes place before the session from 9am to 9:30am and again after the session from 11:30am to noon. If you are unemployed and actively looking, underemployed, seeking a new career direction, re-entering the job market after a long employment gap, or recently retired and looking for your “Encore Career,” this networking group program is perfect for you! Remember, 85% of jobs are found through networking!

Join us in a professional forum for networking with peers in a safe and comfortable environment conducive to developing new relationships and developing skills and strategies to help in your career transition. Each meeting features a new topic. Meetings include a presentation and interactive workshop on topics relevant to career transition, guest speakers, access to hiring managers, small group breakout rooms to network, and 1-on-1 coaching guidance. Participating on a regular basis will give job seekers the many tools and strategies needed for a successful job search.

Each bimonthly meeting is facilitated by Deborah Hope, MBA, PCIC, an experienced executive career coach. Deborah is a former Fortune 500 executive, investment banker and entrepreneur. She transitioned to executive coaching over 12 years ago. Deborah has coached with Harvard Business School Executive Education programs and the Massachusetts Conference for Women. She has been trained or certified in a variety of coaching models and assessment tools. Deborah has facilitated 50+ job seekers networking groups since 2016.

Here are the dates and topics:

Jan 15, Self Assessment / Finding Your Why

Feb 5,  Mastermind / Your Age is Your Edge

Feb 19, Career Story / Tell Me a Bit About Yourself

Mar 5, LinkedIn / Professional Connecting

Mar 19, Resumes / A Pocketful of STARS

April 2, Using AI / Your Job Search Co Pilot

April 16,  Cover Letters / Are They Necessary

May 7, Networking 2.0 / You Must Give to Get

May 21, Interview Strategies

June 4, Second Act Careers / Thinking Outside the Box

June 18, Marketing Plan / Plan Your Work & Work Your Plan

Register directly on Zoom  HERE . This group is sponsored by approximately 50 Massachusetts public libraries.

RECORDING NOTE: This program will be recorded. All registrants will receive the recording via email within 48 hours of the program.


2025 Rotating Art Application Process is Now Open

 The Malden Public Library is accepting submissions for our Monthly Rotating Art Exhibit for 2025. The application period is now OPEN thru Monday December 2, 2024.  The Rotating Art Exhibit is available to any artist in our local community.

For information about exhibiting Art through our Rotating Exhibit at the Library, please see our Rotating Art Exhibit page on the Library website.   Here is the link to apply :

2025 Rotating Art Application

Here are some highlights from this year.

Contact Marita with questions


Artificial Intelligence in our Daily Lives.


On Saturday Sept 28th  from 2-4pm the Malden Public Library will be hosting a unique workshop exploring the impact and implications of Artificial Intelligence in our daily lives.  We will discuss beneficial, real-world applications and how to safeguard against the risks posed by AI enabled deep fakes, scams and misinformation.

This program is sponsored by the Friends of the Malden Public Library.

Everyone is welcome to attend and registration is encouraged.

To Register at :





Artwork by Darion Breslau and Lisa Sears on display during September.

The Malden Public Library is displaying artwork by Darion Breslau and Lisa Sears during the month of September.  Darion Breslau started working with chain maille when he was thirteen years old and hasn’t looked back since.  His pieces are beautiful, whimsical and incredibly unique.  Darion’s artwork can be seen in the main hallway and an artist reception will be held on Monday Sept 9th from 7-8pm.

Lisa Sears works in watercolor, acrylic, collage and whatever mark-making tools are most needed, her goal has been to try everything, to repeat nothing, and to go from complete abstraction to simplicity to hyper fantastical as she considers different aspects of a theme. The result of this on-going challenge is hundreds of small works.  Her artwork can be seen inside the glass display case located near the teen area.

Come by the library to see more.

Let’s Talk About A Poem with Lloyd Schwartz

Let’s Talk About A Poem with Lloyd Schwartz returns on Sept 14, 2024.   This month features the poem “Among School Children” by William Butler Yeats.

Our monthly online poetry discussion group is led by Somerville’s Poet Laureate Lloyd Schwartz.

Registration is required and the link to join is sent out the day before the event.

This program is made possible by the Malden Public Library and the Academy of American Poets and funds from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

Please email Marita if you have questions.

To Register: Sept Let’s Talk About A Poem with Lloyd Schwartz

Linda Dolph – Artist Reception

Artwork by Linda Dolph will be featured throughout the month of August and the Library will be hosting an artist reception on Thursday August 1st from 6-7pm.  Everyone is welcome to attend.

Seen and Unseen

Linda Dolph has an extensive background in art through teaching, studying and her own artistic expression.  Photography is an every day thing, capturing images of animals, plants, trees and all elements of nature. These are the things that are SEEN with our earthly eyes. She considers the natural world her “Spiritual Temple” and draws life and breath from experiencing and interacting with the earth and creatures around her.

Inspired by earth’s abundance, a new approach to art principals, her imagination and studies in Shamanism she is employing digital collage as a way to integrate monotypes and images with an eye toward whimsy, the spiritual and the mythical, manifesting “Beings” that she likes to think populate UNSEEN worlds.

All About River Otters

Join us on Friday, August 2nd, 11-12pm in the Maccario Room for a free educational program all about North American river otters!

North American Otters were almost eradicated from Massachusetts in the late 19th century due to the fur trade, and industrial pollution in the rivers.  As our towns and cities have cleaned up their acts, otters have begun to return.  Since they are mainly nocturnal, and very wary of humans, they can be very difficult to see.  Come behind the scenes of an otter family’s lives and learn how we can protect both them and their habitat!

This program is sponsored by the Friends of the Library.



Learn the Art of Transfer

Join local artist Lisa Sears as she guides us in this relaxing art form.  Participants will use different materials to create textured backgrounds & make something unique.  This class is geared for adults and space is limited so make sure to register early.

To register :

This program is sponsored by the Friends of the Malden Public Library.

Death Cafe

Have you ever wanted to talk about death but don’t know where to start?  The Malden Public Library will be hosting its first Death Cafe on Monday April 29th starting at 6pm. If you’ve never heard of them before, a Death Cafe is a group directed discussion of death with no agenda, objectives or themes. It is a discussion group rather than a grief support or counseling session.

At a Death Cafe people, often strangers, gather to eat cake, drink tea and discuss death.

To register: Death Cafe

Registration is required.