Young Adults currently in the 5th grade through rising 12th graders click here to sign up!
There are a lot of great reasons to sign up for the YOUNG ADULT 2016 SUMMER READING PROGRAM, but here are the details for earning rewards over the next 6 weeks.
*Each week that you read and log at least 5 hours you will qualify to get a prize from the Rewards Box at the Information Desk. Prizes include bags, ear buds, pedometers, books and more! Complete this challenge up to 6 times throughout the Summer
*The Weekly Top Reader (who ever reads and logs the most hours) will receive a $25 Gift Card to one of several businesses local and online including Dunkin Donuts, New England Comics and
*At the end of the Summer the Top Readers Overall (those who read and log the most hours over the 6 week program) will win gift cards of larger amounts, and all participants in the program will have chances to win fun raffle prizes at the End-of-Summer Party.
Young Adults currently in the 5th grade through rising 12th graders click here to sign up!