Whether sitting by the Pine Banks’ Pond, exploring the heights of Waitt’s Mount, or digging in the Malden Community Garden we have so much nature to explore here in Malden. Our city is so full of life if we just take a moment to pause and take it all in. Nature Journaling is a tool and practice to help one learn more about nature. Through the use of art, writing, and numbers the nature journaler learns to notice more, ask more and better questions , and make deeper and more complex connections. The end result is more creativity, improved art skills, and often a cultivated sense of joy. Though one’s art skills will improve as one applies them to nature study, it should be emphasized the goal of nature journaling is not great art but a greater appreciation for and understanding of the natural world. Nor is nature journaling all about exploring nature ‘out there’. In this session we are going to explore the natural world right here in the library’s front lawn.
This event is open to all ages 13+, teens, and adults. No previous art experience required. Pencils and paper will be available but participants are welcome to bring their own drawing, and painting tools. If the weather is fair, we will have the program out on the front lawn. If we end up having some rain, we will move the program inside.
This program is free and open to the public. The Malden Public Library is located at 36 Salem St., Malden, MA 02148. To learn more about our 2023 Summer Reading Programing, email us at info@maldenpubliclibrary.org .