Thursday, March 26th from 3:00–4:30 PM.
Come play with Lego blocks in the new Converse Lego Club: Arts & Bricks. This is a free creative building club for kids that love Legos. Registration required, call 781-324-0218. For Kids 5th through 8th Grade.
STEAM is a movement which advocates adding art and design to the national STEM agenda, to develop creativity and problem solving necessary to foster economic growth and competitiveness in the coming century.
STEAM in the Art Gallery is sponsored with federal funds provided by the Institute of Museum and Library Services and administered by the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners, with additional funds from the Friends of the Malden Public Library. For more information, contact the Malden Public Library at 781-324-0218 or check out our calendar of events at www.maldenpubliclibrary.org.