
50+ Job Seekers Networking Group

The Malden Public Library has just joined the Massachusetts Library Collaborative 50+ Job Seekers Networking Group.    The Job Seekers Networking Group supports people fifty years and older looking for a new job, a new career direction, re-entering the workforce after an employment gap, or looking for a “Second Act” career.  There will be biweekly skill-building and networking group meetings with a new topic at each meeting.  Attendance at each session is not necessary – but highly recommended.

Join Debbi Hope, MBA, PCIC, MC an experienced Executive Career Coach and Certified Master Coach.

WHERE:  All meetings will be via Zoom Video Conferencing.

WHEN : We offer a morning or an evening class please choose the time that works best for you:

1st and 3rd Wed, Jan – June 2023 9:30-11:30 am

2nd and 4th Wed. Jan – June afternoon 6:00-8:00

(Zoom room opens 30 minutes ahead of the start of the program for informal networking/sharing resources).

Here is the ZOOM registration link for the 50+ Job Seekers morning meetings:

Here is the ZOOM registration link for the 50+ Job Seekers evening meetings: