Young Adults in the 5th through 12th grade are invited to get crafty with the library’s Perler Bead collection. Craft anything you can imagine live online while in the comfort of your own home. Starting Friday July 17th you can pick up a home kit of Perler Bead materials from the Malden Public Library and get ready to craft!
We will meet in a Zoom call on Thursday, July 23rd from 3:00 – 4:00 PM to go over some good techniques for making something out of perler beads, and how to get started in this fun hobby! Please email pbrennan@maldenpubliclibrary.org for access to the Zoom link.
UPDATE: Zoom link is accessible here: https://zoom.us/j/99009443765?pwd=SUUyQ0ZqdzVXWXRRblgwRHdNTHFHUT09