
Panel recap: Mythmaking and upcoming creative events!

If you missed our first ever panel discussion about myth, fairy tales, film, and storytelling you can watch the whole event on YouTube.

You should also check out our upcoming 10th Annual Public Reading by The Malden Writers’ Collaborative. Celebrate writing! Join Malden’s own creative writing group, the Malden Writers’ Collaborative, for their 10th Annual Public Reading on Thursday, August 20th 7-8:30PM online.

Members of the 2019-2020 season will read original works:

Jason Rubin – “Little Red Pool of Blood”
Felicia Ryan – Blue – “Blue is the color of the year”, “Drift Away” and “Trapped in my Yoga Top”
Rebekah Brooks – Ceaseless Faith
Jason Kenney – “No Sign of the Morning”
Heather Angell – an unnamed selection
Jeff Taylor – poems “Wall Dogs”, “Catfish” and “WAKEY, WAKEY”
Christopher Hickey – “Fall Guise”

Please help support our wonderful creative communities and join us for our panels, public readings, and other library events. We are hoping to bring you more of these unique events in the Fall while highlighting the rich creative traditions of our Malden community.

Also subscribe to our YouTube channel to stay up to date on our latest videos and events!