We all know that the Boston Rubber Shoe Company was Malden’s big business in the second half of the nineteenth century. But Malden experienced industrial growth in the first part of the nineteenth century as well—and our most prominent business was textile dyeing! Learn about Malden’s dyers, nail makers, tinsmiths, and more.
Please join us on Thursday, June 6th at 6:30 p.m. for a lecture and reception presented by Malden Historical Society Board member Linda Thorsen. Linda Thorsen is Malden resident and freelance commercial writer. She recently completed her Master of Liberal Arts with a concentration in History from Harvard Extension School, and completed her thesis “The Merchants’ Manufacturer: The Barrett Family’s Dyeing Businesses in Massachusetts and New York, 1790-1850,” an in depth study and analysis of a prominent Malden family and their dyeing business.
This lecture is part of Converse 2020 brought to you with federal funds provided by the Institute of Museum and Library Services and administered by the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners.
Photo of the Malden Dye House from an engraving as it supposedly looked in 1817.