
Keep active while social distancing

One of the challenges of social distancing is keeping up with routine movements and activities that keep your body strong and mobile. To aid with this, Boston Public Library has partnered with Hands to Heart Yoga to offer online bi weekly yoga classes. Whether you are at home or taking a break from your stressful routine, these yoga classes will help to move and center you.

The classes are accessible to beginners and are inclusive. Hands to the Heart Yoga describes their Yoga For All Program as sharing: “the healing practice of yoga with Greater Boston’s low-income and under-resourced communities. HTHC yoga classes are designed to be culturally affirming, accessible, inclusive and inspiring — yoga classes in which anyone and everyone can participate.”

Yoga classes are on Tuesdays from 12-1230 pm with Lunch Break Yoga:

and Fridays from 4-5 pm with Friday Unwind Gentle Yoga:

To access the classes, follow the Youtube link:

New classes post on Tuesdays and Fridays but can be accessed at any time. Just go to Youtube and select the class you wish to follow. For more information check out the BPL Facebook page for up to date times and schedules. You can also check out the Boston Public Library calendar of events for other great online offerings.