
Friday Folk and Fairy Tales for Adults Complete Schedule!

Spend your Friday afternoons with the staff at the Malden Public Library reading you grown up folk and fairy tales. Listen to heros, heroines, tragic lovers, transformed travelers, and dancers with the devil as they meet challenges and overcome them. Let us tell you a story and while we are at it inspire you to take another look at your own challenges with fresh eyes and renewed purpose. Books and stories are our road maps to the struggles that always face human kind. And fairy tales take those struggles and distill them down to their essential matter, hide them in a bit of the fantastic, and then give us the strength and inspiration to push on no matter how big the dragon or how large our pile of straw becomes.

We’ll post new readings every Friday at 1215pm, you can catch the link on our calendar or Facebook event listing. You can also listen and watch on our Youtube channel or find our playlist and catch up on the stories you missed.

Complete list of events:

June 26th @ 1215 pm

July 3rd @ 1215 pm

July 17th @ 1215 pm

July 24th @ 1215 pm

July 31st @ 1215 pm

August 7th @ 1215 pm

August 21st @ 1215 pm

August 28th @ 1215 pm

And check out our Fall offerings when they arrive. As with most adventures things may change and new challenges may come so check back with us to see where we’ve gotten to on our journey.
