
CD Collins reads from her novel Afterheat

Join us for a reading by author CD Collins on Wednesday, June 15, at 6:30 p.m.  Kentucky native CD Collins follows the storytelling traditions of the South, both as a solo artist and when accompanied by musicians. As one of originators of the early ‘90s resurgence of spoken-word with live music, her work has been archived in award-winning compact discs: Kentucky Stories, Subtracting Down and Carousel Lounge.

Collins’ fiction has appeared in numerous literary magazines, including The Drum, StoryQuarterly, Salamander, Phoebe and The Pennsylvania Review. Her collection of poetry, Self-Portrait with Severed Head, was published by Ibbetson Street press in 2009. Her collection of short stories, Blue Land, was released in June 2010. Her novel, Afterheat, has just been published.

She has produced a short lyric documentary that chronicles the catastrophic steps of mountaintop removal to retrieve Appalachian coal. She has recently completed a novel and is currently working on a one-woman show. With her band Rockabetty, she has completed her fourth album, Clean Coal Big Lie. She is currently releasing this album in a series of performances