
Updated: World Book offers free online classes and support for families learning at home!

Update 4/6/2020: It is now even easier to gain World Book access without needing to sign up! Just go to:   Login-ID: wbsupport and Password: distancelearn.

If you are at home with kids right now and trying to continue their education or find fun educational activities to keep their minds nimble and engaged the task can seem overwhelming. Over the last few weeks the Malden Public Library has provided access to many sites that offer educational opportunities for families while they navigate this new challenge. But without having access to teacher resources, making lessons and finding tools to teach or help young students can feel like making it up as you go along. A number of previously for-pay services are now becoming accessible in response to the overwhelming need during this challenging time.

World Book has recently decided to make their online learning resources available for free during the Covid-19 outbreak, so that families can access online learning and eresources. Sign up is simple with the above username and password. Just click on the main link:  to sign in. 

But before you sign in take a look at the resources for parents, caregivers, and teachers on the main page. There are great suggestions for how to help young students. Caregivers can access suggestions for lessons, resources for people new to online learning, and tools for teaching young learners all from the World Book home page.

Once signed in the site will direct users to a menu with options for subject based learning, activities, ebooks, educational games, encyclopedias and more.