
The Living Art of Bonsai: A Talk with Michael Levin of Bonsai West

On Tuesday, June 7 at 6:30 p.m., the Malden Public Library is proud to present Michael Levin, founder and proprietor of Bonsai West of Littleton.  Michael will present beautiful bonsai works from his collection and demonstrate the amazing “art of bonsai.” The program will be held in the lovely 1885 Converse Memorial Building (36 Salem Street, Malden, MA)

Michael Levin is founder of Bonsai West, one of the country’s largest bonsai nurseries. Since 1982 Michael has worked to build a place that attracts bonsai lovers and plant people from around the world.  Bonsai West is a magical place for sure and everyone who visits feels the power of the trees and that certain beauty that is unique and hard to find in our commercial world.

The Bonsai West collection consist of many original works from the first generation of Japanese American Bonsai artists.  Michael was lucky enough to meet this small group of artists many who went into gardening as the only work they could find after being released from the Japanese internment camps in the late 1940’s. Michael has an interesting way of weaving their stories with his own experiences in the growth of American Bonsai.

Light refreshments will be served following the program.  For more information or to register please call the Library’s Information Desk at 781-324-0218 or email