Enjoy the pleasure and power of slow looking! Join us on Saturday, March 28th at 11:00 a.m. for One Painting / One Hour in the Converse Memorial Building’s Ryder Gallery. A growing number of museums now offer “slow art” tours or days that encourage visitors to take their time. One Painting / One Hour was developed from the observation that viewers, in museums and galleries, spend an average of 15 to 30 seconds in front of any given art work; and the pace of life on the Internet makes this seem normal.
As part of the library’s focus visual literacy, this program is a chance for participants to slow down and dive deep for 60 minutes of focused looking, consideration, conversation, and interpretation of a single artwork. In March we will focus our collective attention on English landscape painter John Linnell’s The Barley Harvest (1874).
The Malden Public Library art collection was made possible through the generous donations Elisha and Mary Diana Converse. The program is limited to 15. Register by calling 781-324-0218.