
Talk Baseball with Steve Kluger & Malden Reads

Join us on Thursday, April 6th from 7–8 pm at the Malden Public Library when we talk all things baseball with author Steve Kluger. In addition to writing books about baseball, Mr. Kluger has also been involved with the group that has lobbied to have the baseball field at the former Manzanar War Relocation Center in CA. As Mr. Kluger wrote in the Los Angeles Times “Baseball was the bond that kept many of these families together during some pretty tough moments. It got them through the disappointing Supreme Court decisions upholding the constitutionality of the internment, and—as Americans—it got them through the rage and humiliation engendered by the loyalty questionnaire.”

This Malden Reads program promises to be both entertaining and enlightening. Light refreshments will also be served.