Summer Reading is about to begin at the Malden Public Library! To kick things off we are hosting a ‘parade’ style event and you are our guest of honor! On Wednesday, July 15 (2 PM – 3 PM), drive (or walk) along our parade route at our Park Street entrance to greet your friendly librarians and learn more about this summer’s reading program. Although we are not able to hold our annual ice cream social (please visit our long term sponsor Dairy Delight), we will be handing out a free ice cream goodie for the kids – and celebrating this year’s theme “Imagine Your Story.” There will be music, balloons – and much more. Even if you can’t make the ”Parade”, it’s easy to participate in summer reading by calling the Library to schedule a curbside pickup of this year’s summer reading books, calendar and schedule of events.
Summer Reading looks a little different this year—everything will be done virtually! We will still (remotely) have programs for children, teens, and adults, including weekly story times, creative crafts, book chats, reading challenges and prizes – and later this summer a drive-in family movie night.
For continued information check out the Malden Public Library webpage at www.maldenpubliclibrary.org, like us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, or call us at 781-324-0218. We ask that everyone remain in their vehicles during the event; walkers are asked to follow social distance and mask wearing guidelines. While supplies last.