Your favorite Fairy House Festival is back for 2017! Councillor Barbara Murphy invites you to attend Malden’s Very Own Fairy House Festival on Saturday, August 26 from Noon to 4 p.m. at Pine Banks Park.
Bring your fairies, gnomes, and elves for an enchanting experience. They’ll learn how to build fairy houses and gnome homes on a special wooded trail that is known for its high year-long population of fairies. There will be storytelling, children’s crafts, activities, and games — all focused on fairies and nature. Fairy, gnome, and other appropriate costumes are encouraged but not required. Food vendors will be on site. No registration required.
Fairy Houses are structures for fairies and nature’s other friends (hobbits, elves, gnomes, trolls) to visit. These whimsical habitats are built by children, families, gardeners and nature lovers reflecting their creativity, joy and pride. Individuals and groups are welcome to enter pre-built houses. Pre-built houses will be part of the Fairy House Walk and will be entered into a contest. If you would like to pre-build a house contact Councillor Barbara Murphy at
All Fairy Houses built the day of the event will receive official Fairy House Builder’s Certificates. Bring a picnic lunch and enjoy the day at Pine Banks Park a natural habitat located in Malden.
Special Events:
1:00 PM Story Time Malden Public Library Director, Dora St. Martin
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