The Malden Public Library is proud to host our annual Malden Reads Book Discussion with Malden Mayor Gary Christenson. The event will be held on Wednesday, April 13th from 7–8 pm in the Ryder Gallery of the Converse Art Museum at Malden Public Library. Light refreshments will be available beforehand.
This year, Malden Reads has selected a collection of poems for the first time ever. Our 2022 season book selection is An American Sunrise by Joy Harjo. For those who don’t prefer poetry, we ask that you give this collection a chance. Poetry is meant to be heard, absorbed, and reflected on, and we are all thrilled for the opportunity to do so.
An American Sunrise deals with loss, memory, and the nature of joy and hope. The collection also explores human rights and socio-political equity across American cultures and communities (which is especially relevant to our diverse city of Malden), the values of various indigenous peoples, and the importance of our land and environment.
Our book discussion this year will begin with one of the poems in the collection called For Those Who Would Govern. So join us for an evening of sharing poetry, ideas, art, and joy of gathering with our neighbors.