
Malden Public Library Museum Pass Partners

Would your organization or business like to sponsor a discount museum pass for Malden families to enjoy?

The Malden Public Library offers a number of different free and discount passes to museums and attractions in New England. The passes are available to Malden residents who hold valid a library card.

Malden residents continue to use their library enthusiastically. This past year, the library offered over 300 special programs throughout the year, attended by 16,943 children, teen, and adults.  Money saved through your sponsorship will allow us to put more funds toward programs and activities, bring new online resources and technology to the community, and expand services for the community.

Museum Sponsorships Available:

DCR Mass Park Pass                           $ 60

ICA – Contemporary Art                        185

Isabella Stewart Gardner                      195

Harvard Art Museum                            250

John F. Kennedy Center                        250

Peabody Essex Museum                       350

Children’s Museum Pass                       700

Children’s Museum Pass (2)                 700

New England Aquarium                        700

New England Aquarium (2)                 700

Zoo New England                                  800

We would be love to discuss ways in which we can partner with your organization or business. For more information, contact Library Director Dora St. Martin at 781-324-0218 or by email at