Friends! Coffee! Books!
The Spring Book Sale is here! On Friday, May 5th from 6-9pm, if you join the Friends of the Malden Public Library you will have early access to the best books.
Membership is a bargain: $10 (students & seniors), $15 (individual), or $30 (family). Books, DVDs, CDs and more range in price from $0.25 to $2.00.
Don’t miss the Main Book Sale on Saturday, May 6th from 10am-2pm. We have a special surprise: Coffee and a Book—the Perfect Blend!
Malden’s own New England Coffee Company will be here serving up amazing coffee in exchange for a donation to the Friends. All proceeds benefit the Friends and the Malden Public Library.
Your membership in the Friends helps support Malden Public Library in providing free programs, discount museum passes, movie nights, children’s programs, language learning apps, concerts, and more for the Malden community.
We look forward to seeing you there!