Overdue Fines and Fees

The Malden Public Library is currently FINE FREE. If an item is overdue by 30 days, the full cost of that item is then billed to the patron’s library card account. Patron borrowing and Internet privileges are suspended when outstanding charges reach $10.00 or more. If the overdue item is returned, the full cost is removed from the patron’s card.

The fines listed below are INACTIVE, but remain listed in case this policy is reversed.

Adult Materials $0.10/day
Maximum: $5.00 per item.
Videocassettes, DVDs/VCDs $1.00/day
Maximum: $5.00 per item.
Art Prints $0.25/day
Maximum: $15.00 per print.
Museum Passes $5.00/day
Maximum: $25.00 per pass.
Children’s Materials $0.05/day
Maximum: $3.00 per item.

As a courtesy, notices are sent as a reminder to return overdue Library items. Patrons are responsible for returning items on time even if they do not receive an overdue notice. Patron borrowing and Internet privileges are suspended when outstanding charges reach $10.00 or more, or when an account is 30 days past due.